Thinking About Certifying with HPI To Become A Coach?

I have nothing but great things to say about the program. One of the top three best decisions in my life was to take this journey! I let it sit for about two years before making the final decision to join and the opportunity presented itself when I was ready as a human. 

That being said, let’s dig deeper. It was one of the most grueling phases of my life. It is hard work and by no means a walk in the park. It is full of the most amazing and cutting edge resources in the world of personal development, delivered in a very precise and specific way, and there is no better way to learn more about personal development than direct experience.

The reality is, not everyone makes it to the end. Life happens, and during the process you’re forced to look in the mirror, and/or possibly face demons that you’ve never met before. It was around ⅔ of the way through the program that the schedule (and my life) became intense, and since I have a knack for digging deep and seeing it through, I made it, and became certified. I would not have been able to get through the most difficult moments of the program and life if it wasn’t for the tools that I learned while in the program!

If you choose to move forward I can only suggest that you engage your growth mindset, be playful and open and leave your ego at the door. It’s because of my belief in the program that I’m an affiliate, so if you’re on the fence and really want to jump, I’m happy to facilitate your first step forward. Just use my link here.

Happy decision making!